Our work would not be possible without the support of funders.
We offer sincere thanks for the generous support of the City of Ottawa for:
- Our core operations
- a Social Services Relief Fund grant for COVID-19 emergency food and ICT
- the Neighbourhood Equity Index website
- a Community Economic Development grant for under-employed youth to support the COVID response of voluntary sector agencies
United Way Eastern Ontario for its generous funding of:
- The Neighbourhood Equity Index
- Ottawa Neighbourhoods Social Capital Forum
- Hot Shoe Productions
- Healthy Aging in Community for Ethno-cultural Seniors and Caregivers
- SPARK grants for our sponsored initiatives: Youth Cooking Integration (with Association of South Sudanese Nuer Languages Institute).
The Ontario Trillium Foundation for its generous support of our dementia day programming in collaboration with grassroots ethno-cultural groups
The project “Creating Community for Ethno-cultural Seniors” is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP). The NHSP also provided resources for an ethno-cultural seniors home visitors training program and for emergency food for seniors affected by COVID-19.
Employment and Social Development Canada for its support of our summer students (via Canada Summer Jobs).
The Ottawa Community Foundation, for its generous support of :
- Youth Active Media
- The Neighbourhood Equity Index
- Supports for neighbourhood activities
- Our project to build agency capacity to use data
- Synapcity
- Co-operative Enesignant(e)s Pas-a-Pas
The Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation for its’ generous support of our dementia day program with the Indo-Canadian Community Centre and the knowledge mobilization project to advance better models of community care for residents with dementia and caregivers.
RBC Foundation for support of Partnering for Success in Youth Employment, including the GenerationeXt Youth Incubators
The Cowan Foundation for its support of the Cowan Coding Club, nested in our GenerationeXt Youth Economic Incubators.
The Co-operators, for its support of our youth economic development initiatives: Building Greener Futures Together, HotShoe Productions, GenerationeXT Youth Economic Incubators and the Cowan Coding Club.
Innoweave (McConnell Foundation for supporting community based mental health planning and evaluation of our dementia supports with grassroots ethno-cultural groups.
The Metcalf Foundation and the Matt Foundation for their support of Synapcity.
Baycrest Health Sciences and the National Ballet School for their support of Sharing Dance, for ethno-cultural seniors.