Social Planning Council of Ottawa
SPCO works with Ottawa vulnerable sectors and grassroots social agencies to inspire community-led action. This leads to meaningful change on priority issues affecting Ottawa residents such as youth unemployment, social inequities, poverty, and social isolation in seniors.

Land Acknowledgment
The Social Planning Council of Ottawa (SPCO) would like to acknowledge that we are located on
the traditional, unceded, and unsurrendered territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin People.
Through our work, we embrace our responsibility to create social and economic change that
lasts in our community.
Our Focus Areas
Community Economic Development
Create equitable opportunities in a sustainable local economy to meet local needs.
Access to Basics
Ensure an adequate standard of living for individuals and families facing exclusion, and ensure a solid foundation of community infrastructure to address key points of distress in specific communities.
Support the Voluntary Sector
Increase capacity of the voluntary sector to use research and evaluation to support effective programming.
Increase Inclusion
Expand access to resources and opportunities, support the capacity of community change-makers, and create systemic improvements.
Support Our Work
Become A Member
Vote at our Annual General Meetings and receive notices of new publications, upcoming activities, discounts for most SPC events, and access to the SPC library.
Become involved in the community and learn transferrable skills supporting a great cause!